Based on the analysis of the results of the study, it was concluded that prezi-based learning media had been produced on respiration material for living creatures that met the eligibility criteria both in terms of material and in terms of media display format, with a very feasible category.
From the results of the pre test and post test, it was then calculated to increase students' critical thinking skills. In addition, a post test was also conducted after learning to use media prezi to find out students' critical thinking skills after treatment. Before the trial, a pre-test was given to determine students' critical thinking skills before being treated. The media that have been validated and accordingly are then tested on students of Elementary School, amounting to 29 students. Then proceed with making a prezi media prototype, which then carried out validation tests by material experts and media experts. Next is the arrangement of learning design using prezi media.
The preparation of the media is done by analyzing the suitability of KI and KD as well as the material for respirations of living things. The method used in this study is Research and Development (RnD) with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). This study aims to develop prezi-based learning media to improve critical thinking skills in breathing material in living things.